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Three Delivery Accidents in One Week at Nestlé Waters Russia - Nespressure, What Else! 24/04/2010 - 14:38

Workloads aren't all that has increased at Nestlé Waters Direct in Domodedovo, Russia. The local union sees a direct connection between the brutal increase in working hours and the 6 road accidents that have occurred in as many months - 3 of them in one recent week alone.

Turkey: Labour Ministry shuns unions in hazelnut child labour discussions 31/07/2012 - 10:13

IUF affiliated unions in Turkey and Dutch national centre FNV representatives were excluded by the Labour Ministry from a round table conference on child labour in hazelnut harvesting on July 4.

Union members voting on industrial action at Nestlé York 19/07/2012 - 10:27

GMB and UNITE are polling their members at the Kit Kat factory in York over the next steps in a collective bargaining dispute.

Unleashing aggression at Nestlé 21/11/2011 - 15:04

A capacity for aggression at Nestlé, the world's largest food company, is not limited to the aggressive pursuit of market share and aggressive cash flow management, qualities praised by investors and envied by competitors. It applies equally to industrial relations, where it receives considerably less attention. Violations of worker rights predictably make less headline noise than the latest quarterly results, a hefty dividend increase or the successful launch of a new product.

US unions beware: Nestlé UK CEO to transfer to the US 07/08/2012 - 16:13

Paul Grimwood, CEO of Nestlé UK & Ireland, has been appointed CEO of Nestlé USA, to succeed Brad Alford when he retires in October 2012.

Whose Workplace? The ILO and Nestlé 13/07/2010 - 14:04

The latest video interview with Nestlé Chair Peter Brabeck takes place on the balcony at company headquarters in Vevey Switzerland, with Lake Geneva and the snow-capped Alps shining in the background. Brabeck relates his rise from ice cream salesman to head of the world's largest food company, with the reporter smiling approvingly: "You've come a long way." You cannot escape promotion, explains Brabeck, if you're just a bit better (expressed with mathematical precision as 5% better).

Workers rally across Indonesia on International Women's Day to say Stop Nespressure! 12/03/2012 - 16:41

IUF unions and their supporters demonstrated across Indonesia on March 8 to show their commitment to the struggle for trade union rights at the Nescafé factory in Panjang.

“Practicing what you preach” at Nestlé 01/12/2011 - 13:57

Nestlé workers will be familiar with what the company calls the "4 Nestlé behaviors", which are used in the evaluation process to which non-management personnel are increasingly being subjected. One of these is "practice what you preach".

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