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Nestlé UK shop stewards say Stop Nespressure! 15/03/2012 - 13:54

Shop stewards at Nestlé's UK operations, frustrated by the lack of progress in resolving disputes involving major rights violations at Nestlé's Indonesian and Pakistan operations, have stepped up pressure for Nestlé to move decisively to resolve these situations.

Nestlé US subsidiary cited in death of temp worker 26/06/2012 - 15:33

The United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration has cited Tribe Mediterranean Foods, a subsidiary of Nestle SA, for 18 alleged violations of workplace safety standards following the death of a contract worker at its Taunton, Mass., production plant. The worker, who was pulled into the machine he was cleaning and sterilizing and crushed to death, had received no training in hazardous energy control involving shutting off the machine and its power supply before performing any work. Other contract workers performing the cleaning had likewise received no training.

Nestlé Waters Russia Bows to Pressure, Union Vice-Chair Reinstated 14/07/2010 - 10:42

Management of Nestlé Waters Russia has declined to appeal the court-ordered reinstatement of Sergei Strykov, Vice-Chair of the union formed last year who was fired on January 27. Strykov has also been compensated for wages lost from January through May, while the union was fighting his illegal dismissal.

Nestle workers in Sao Paulo fight for equal pay and conditions 12/05/2013 - 09:56

Workers employed by Nestle Purina in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil have had enough of inferior wages and conditions. The food trade unions of Sao Paulo (FETIASP) are in the midst of a round of collective bargaining with employers.

Nestlé Workers in Tunisia Continue Industrial Action After Secret Sale of Ice Cream Factory 30/12/2009 - 17:34

Update 1 Feb 2010: Negotiations have taken place between the Nestlé union and Nestlé Tunisia management under the auspices of the Labour Inspectorate. Details will follow shortly.

Workers, their union and the Federation of Food and Tourism Workers of Tunisia (FGAT) are demanding to know the facts behind Nestlé's secret sale of an ice cream factory.

Nestlé Workers Worldwide Say: Stop Nespressure! 02/03/2010 - 14:05

On February 25 the Nestle Ponda and Nestle Bicholim unions in Goa, India, held protest actions against trade union rights violations at Nestle Waters in Russia.

The unions, members of the IUF-affiliated Federation of All India Nestle Employees, condemned union-busting at Nestle Domodedovo and demanded the reinstatement of the union vice-chair Sergei Strykov.

Nestlé workers, supporters rally in Indonesia and Pakistan as global support builds - Stop Nespressure! 01/03/2012 - 17:23

Support at home and abroad continues to build for the struggle for trade union rights at Nestlé factories in Indonesia and Pakistan.

Nestlé's 'New Reality' looks a lot like the old - squeezing workers to squeeze out cash 21/03/2012 - 17:03

Nestlé's recently published Annual Report for 2011, introduced by the familiar 'Fellow Shareholder' letter, seeks to engage readers (who in any event will skip the hype and head for the hard figures) by alerting them up front to a 'New Reality'. For workers, however, the New Reality looks like more of the same, with rights under attack to generate cash for the investor payout.

Nestlé's end of year lottery - on the wrong shift? OK then "you're fired" 25/12/2011 - 13:59

On December 25, a day that for many symbolizes the spirit of generous human kindness, the actions of the world’s biggest food company in 2011 were far from generous for many of its workers in Indonesia.

Nestlé, Corporate Blackmail and the Arrogance of Power 21/09/2009 - 21:45

Nestlé Chairman Peter Brabeck has publicly, pointedly threatened to pull the world's largest food company out of Switzerland in response to discussions within the government on legislation to cap executive pay. Interviewed by the weekend Sonntag on September 13, Brabeck said Switzerland "may not be the right location for us", calling legislation on pay "the beginning of the end".

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