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Fonterra and Nestlé call off dairy merger in Chile 07/04/2011 - 15:16

The highly controversial proposed merger between Fonterra’s Chilean subsidiary Soprole and Nestlé Chile has been abandoned. The application to merge Soprole and Nestlé Chile’s dairy business and create a joint venture under the DPA banner has been withdrawn by both companies.

Settlement at Nestlé Indonesia brings Nespressure campaign to successful conclusion 31/03/2011 - 16:30

A settlement has been agreed which brings recognition and bargaining rights to the IUF-affiliated SBNIP at the Nescafé factory in Panjang, Indonesia.

Nestlé Russia violates trade union rights in sale of Barnaul chocolate factory 09/02/2011 - 16:45

On 18 December 2010 Nestlé Russia announced the sale of its Altai confectionary plant, located in Barnaul in Central Russia. The workforce – who are part of the sale – were informed the previous day.

Nestlé European Works Council / 27-29 October 2010 27/01/2011 - 00:00

Following contentious discussions on wage policy (denial of bargaining rights, pay freezes, move toward performance-linked remuneration) at recent Nestlé EWC meetings, the company made a presentation on its remuneration policy at the meeting in October. It became clear that it is Nestlé’s intention to substitute performance-linked remuneration for collective wage increases wherever possible.

Delivering cash but not rights? – Stop Nespressure! 26/11/2010 - 15:32

Nestlé’s ‘agenda’ for the latest investor presentation? – ‘delivering’ cash, growth, and ‘total performance’ through their ‘billionaire brands’, with special emphasis on emerging markets. But they’ve failed to deliver on basic rights for the workers who produce the bilionaire Nescafé products at the Panjang, Indonesia factory.

Nestlé European Works Council / Steering Committee Meeting / 7 September 2010 18/11/2010 - 11:42

The Steering Committee meeting began on 7 September with a strong message from co-chair Klaus Hoffmann concerning the ongoing conflict in Indonesia. He insisted that it remain a focus for the company and urged that it be resolved soon.  A major topic of discussion at the meeting was remuneration.

Swiss union UNIA in solidarity with Stop Nespressure campaign 08/10/2010 - 16:20

On 7 October over 200 workers and their families – wearing caps from their Swiss sister union UNIA - rallied outside the Nescafe factory in Panjang, Indonesia, to denounce the corporate social irresponsibility of the world’s largest food company.

The 'Nescafé Plan': Buyer Beware 03/09/2010 - 10:20

Nestlé has announced with typical media fanfare a 10-year "Nescafé Plan" to help the company "further optimize its coffee supply chain". Nestlé plans to double the amount of Nescafé coffee purchased directly from farmers over the next five years. There's also a specific Nespresso component to the plan - unsurprising, since Nespresso is Nestlé's fastest-growing brand.

Australian Unions Protest Nestlé’s Suppression of Union Rights at Nescafé Indonesia/Protest shuts Sydney Nespresso shop 31/08/2010 - 13:49

Australian unions in the state of New South Wales led by Unions NSW (formerly the Labour Council) held a demonstration on August 30 in front of the Nestlé-owned Nespresso shop in Sydney’s city center. The action, which resulted in the temporary closure by management of the Nespresso shop, was taken in support of the IUF-affiliated SBNIP representing workers at the Nescafé factory in Panjang, Indonesia.

Nestlé Defends Anti-Union Practices in Indonesia with…Nestlies 20/07/2010 - 14:30

How many times can a company lie in the course of attempting to undermine a union? It is difficult to say if Nestlé, the world's largest food company, holds the record (the competition is stiff), but it is certainly an over-achiever…

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