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'Continuous excellence' or more dubious claims in Nestlé's sustainability reporting? 08/05/2012 - 17:14

Nestlé watchers on the company's mailing list may be puzzled by the fate of the message they received on April 12 entitled "Nestlé receives GRI A+ rating for Creating Shared Value report". The original article claimed that Nestlé had received an A+ rating from the Global Reporting Initiative for its 2011 'Creating Shared Value Report'." That claim is no longer made - apparently the communications folks at Nestlé were apprised that the GRI awards no ratings.

Agency work can kill 23/07/2012 - 18:01

Lax regulations, loose enforcement and employer resistance to union health and safety committees inflict a ghastly toll of illness, injury and death on the job. The grisly death of a contract worker at a US Nestlé plant provides further evidence that agency workers face even greater risks due to their precarious employment status.

Agency workers at Nestlé Perm get direct employment 10/04/2013 - 16:08

160 union members - former agency workers - will soon be on the company's payroll at Nestlé confectionary in the Russian city of Perm following the signing of an agreement that ended the union campaign against the growing use of precarious employment at the factory.

Arrest warrant issued for Nestlé Pakistan labour contractor as shareholders prepare to meet in Switzerland 11/04/2012 - 14:21

As Nestlé shareholders prepare for the annual shareholder meeting on April 19 Nestlé watchers should note that on April 6 a court in Kabirwala, Pakistan issued an arrest warrant for a manager named Jahangir at the labour contractor which has been supplying hundreds of contract workers under abusive conditions to Nestlé's milk factory in the town.

Australian Unions Protest Nestlé’s Suppression of Union Rights at Nescafé Indonesia/Protest shuts Sydney Nespresso shop 31/08/2010 - 13:49

Australian unions in the state of New South Wales led by Unions NSW (formerly the Labour Council) held a demonstration on August 30 in front of the Nestlé-owned Nespresso shop in Sydney’s city center. The action, which resulted in the temporary closure by management of the Nespresso shop, was taken in support of the IUF-affiliated SBNIP representing workers at the Nescafé factory in Panjang, Indonesia.

Challenging Precarious_Work @ Nestlé.Kabirwala.com 05/12/2011 - 13:25

Nestlé's dairy factory in Kabirwala, Pakistan, depends on the daily labour of hundreds of precarious workers provided by contractors on a no work, no pay basis. When the union became engaged in assisting long-serving precarious workers to obtain direct, permanent employment status - as prescribed by law - management responded with mass dismissals, provocations, police charges and physical assault by the labour contractor and goons.

Delivering cash but not rights? – Stop Nespressure! 26/11/2010 - 15:32

Nestlé’s ‘agenda’ for the latest investor presentation? – ‘delivering’ cash, growth, and ‘total performance’ through their ‘billionaire brands’, with special emphasis on emerging markets. But they’ve failed to deliver on basic rights for the workers who produce the bilionaire Nescafé products at the Panjang, Indonesia factory.

Deputies call on Geneva government to Stop Nespressure! 16/03/2012 - 16:51

Nestlé's violations of trade union rights invaded the normally placid proceedings of the Geneva cantonal government council on March 15 when deputies were called on to debate a resolution calling for action to support the union struggle in Indonesia and Pakistan.

Fonterra and Nestlé call off dairy merger in Chile 07/04/2011 - 15:16

The highly controversial proposed merger between Fonterra’s Chilean subsidiary Soprole and Nestlé Chile has been abandoned. The application to merge Soprole and Nestlé Chile’s dairy business and create a joint venture under the DPA banner has been withdrawn by both companies.

Fourth Nestlé India Union in Recognition and Bargaining Win 15/01/2010 - 19:49

On January 5 the union at Nestlé Pantnagar, the company's largest and newest (2006) plant in the country, signed a first collective agreement on wages and benefits, joining its 3 sister unions in the IUF-affiliated Federation of All India Nestle Employees in finally winning the right to negotiate terms of employment previously declared "secret" by management.

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